Viponds – Graffiti Proof



Graffiti Proof is a two part water based clear that has been formulated to apply onto digitally printed substrates to provide protection against graffiti paints. It offers the same properties as UV Digi Clear but has superior chemical resistance to allow the removal of graffiti.

SKU: V-GraffitiProof Categories: , Brand Categories:



  • A two part water based clear that has been formulated to apply onto digitally printed substrates to provide protection against graffiti paints.
  • The same properties as UV Digi Clear but has superior chemical resistance to allow the removal of graffiti
  • Remains flexible
  • Contains UV absorbers that will provide the same level of UV protection as Viponds UV Digi Clear
  • Can only be used on substrates, inks or pigments that are not water sensitive
  • Always test before using and check adhesion.
  • NOTE: This product is ideal for vinyl banners but has limited use on self adhesive vinyl. The graffiti coating may shrink the vinyl and cause edges of the vinyl to lift and peel.


General Information:

  • Most graffiti is created using aerosol paints which are enamel or acrylic based. The Graffiti Proof Clear is resistant to attack from the solvents in these paints.
  • It is important to remove graffiti quickly to discourage the graffiti artist, but also to make removal easier. Enamel paint that has been allowed to dry for over 24 hours is much more difficult to remove.
  • There are a variety of felt tip permanent markers that are used by the Graffiti artists. Some of these cannot be completely removed from the Graffiti Proof because the dye stains the clear and a residual amount remains. These stains can only be removed carefully with a scotch
    brite pad and then recoated with clear.
  • On some prints the graffiti clear can be peeled off – in this instance the Graffiti clear becomes a sacrificial coating.


Permanent or Sacrificial:

  • The adhesion of Graffiti Proof onto digital prints will vary depending on the substrate and ink used.
  • On some prints the Graffiti Proof can be removed (peel off) without damaging the print allowing all Graffiti to be removed. The print can then be recoated with Graffiti Proof.
  • If a more permanent bond is required then apply one coat of Universal Digi Clear then one coat of Graffiti Proof.
  • Note: It is important to thoroughly evaluate adhesion of Graffiti Proof on all print systems.



  • This product will sometimes bubble on application. This can be caused by the type of substrate, ink system or the method of application.
  • The best method of application is spraying or using a paint pad applicator.
  • Brushing and rolling agitates the liquid and may cause bubbles.
  • A special laminate version is available for use with machine liquid laminators.
  • This product dries quickly in temperatures above 20deg C. Addition of the Viponds Digi Clear Retarder will slow the drying to allow longer wet edge (application) time.
    Pad Applicator
  • These are made of a fine fabric attached to foam and are available in
    many different sizes and configurations.
  • The pad glides over the surface without creating bubbles.
    Spraying – HVLP or Conventional
  • Use a 2 mm fluid tip and 280 – 420 KPa (40-60psi)
  • Apply a light mist coat to seal the print and allow to dry (10 to 20 minutes).
  • Apply two medium coats to the desired finish.


Surface Preparation:

  • The success of this product is determined by the level of adhesion to the substrate and ink.
  • Generally no surface preparation is required, but if the surface is contaminated then the Graffiti Proof may not wet the surface and cissing (does not form a continuous film or may form beads on the surface) may occur. A second application of the Graffiti Proof may solve this problem.
  • If cissing occurs, then a wipe over with a damp cloth prior to application may help.
  • It is also important that the ink is completely dry to prevent outgassing. Check with the ink manufacturer for drying specifications.



  • The cross linker is added at a rate of 12.5 ml per litre of Graffiti Proof.
  • Gently stir in the cross linker (do not shake as this will promote bubbles)
  • Allow to stand for at least 15 minutes then stir again before application.
  • The cross linked Graffiti Proof maintains its reactivity for approximately 24 hours.
  • This mixture can be reactivated by the addition of more cross linker and used again. – no waste!


Drying Time:

  • Do not apply if the temperature is below 10 deg. C or in high humidity.
  • Under normal drying conditions it will be touch dry within 20 minutes and can be recoated after 2 hours.
  • Allow overnight drying before rolling up prints.
  • This product can be forced air dried.
  • With the addition of retarder allow longer drying times
  • After drying (2 hours) the clear has some anti graffiti properties, but does not achieve full cure until 48 hours.



  • One coat applied at a rate of 16 square metres per litre per coat will give some scratch and solvent resistance but a minimum of two coats is required for Graffiti protection.

Gloss Level:

  • Graffiti Proof dries to a gloss finish.
  • A lower gloss finish can be obtained by addition of the Digi Clear Matting Agent but this will reduce the effectiveness of the graffiti properties and the exterior durability of the clear.


Cleaning and Thinning:

  • If thinning is required use clean water only.
  • Addition of too much water may cause foaming problems.
  • Clean equipment with water.
  • Methylated spirits will soften freshly applied Graffiti Proof and assist in cleaning.


Removing Graffiti:

  • Use Viponds Graffiti Remover to remove graffiti. Saturate a rag and wipe over the affected area.
  • Repeat until removed.
  • Read safety and application data before using.
  • It is not recommended to use alcohol type solvents such as methylated spirits or isopropyl alcohol as they will soften the Graffiti Clear.



  • The digital print market is continually changing, with new substrates and inks being offered on a regular basis. Therefore, it is recommended that the customer tests the product thoroughly for their own particular application.
  • The main test is to check adhesion – Graffiti Proof forms a very tough film and if the adhesion is not satisfactory then the clear can delaminate from the substrate. This may be a desired property as it becomes a sacrificial coating.
  • It is also important to determine the best method of application and film thickness required to achieve the desired properties for the end application.