Viponds – Graffiti Coat



A two pack waterbased clear coat that can be applied to painted and unpainted surfaces to allow easy removal of graffiti. The clear coat forms a very hard, glossy, UV protectant finish that allows solvent removal of the graffiti.

SKU: V-GraffitiCoat Categories: , Brand Categories:



  • A two pack waterbased clear coat that can be applied to painted and unpainted surfaces to allow easy removal of graffiti.
  • The clear coat forms a very hard, glossy, UV protectant finish that allows solvent removal of the graffiti.
  • Most graffiti can be removed, although there are some felt tip pens that will stain the surface and may leave ghosting on the surface
  • Full graffiti proof properties within 12 hours of application



  • Can be applied with a brush, pad applicator or spray.
  • Do not use a roller as this may cause foaming.
  • The product is ready for use but if thinning is required use water.
  • Apply two coats at a spread rate of 12 – 14 square metres per litre.


Surface Preparation:

  • On previously painted surfaces thoroughly clean the surface to remove dirt, grease and oil.
  • Lightly sand glossy surfaces.
  • If repainting or painting a new surface apply the required colour using Vipond’s Acrylic Low Sheen and allow at least 12 hours to dry.
  • On new brickwork or concrete seal with Vipond’s Concrete and Masonary Sealer.



  • To one litre of Graffiti Coat add 12.5 mls of crosslinker.
  • Add the crosslinker while gently stirring the Graffiti Coat.
  • Leave for 15 minutes then gently stir again before using.
  • Only stir gently to minimize aeration of the paint.
  • The crosslinked Graffiti Coat will lose its reactivity after 16 hours but can be reactivated with the addition of more crosslinker


Drying Time:

  • Under normal drying conditions (above 14°C and low humidity) it will be touch dry within 30 minutes and can be recoated after 2 hours.
  • Do not apply if the temperature is below 10°C.



  • 14 square metres per litre per coat


Cleaning and Thinning:

  • Use clean water only


Removing Graffiti:

  • Use Viponds Graffiti Cleaner to remove graffiti.
  • After removing graffiti several times the clear coat may be damaged and it is recommended to apply another coat of Graffiti Coat.
  • On rough textured surfaces cleaning off graffiti may be difficult